Chapter 146 Take Jo Walker Away

Lynn Walker didn't care about Jo Walker's provocation.

"You should say these words to dad. I believe he will have better principles."

"You..." Jo Walker was speechless. Of course, she wanted to tell Bernie Walker, but what happened just now was enough to prove that Bernie Walker valued Lynn Walker more!

"Okay, just wait and see!"

After saying that, Jo Walker went back to her room. Then there was a crackling sound coming from inside.

Lynn Walker sighed. Was a falling company worth her so much attention?

Lynn was afraid that Joe would be willing to avoid the debt as possible as she could.

The next day.

Jo Walker's anger almost dissipated, and she appeared in the living room delicately dressed.

Elma White was selecting earrings for her. "You're the best choice to wear pearls, which set off your cuteness. Mrs. Brown will like you."

"But I prefer this one." Jo Walker picked up ruby and put on her ear.