Chapter 147 The Anchor

After Jo Walker was taken away, the villa was quiet.

Elma White had been looking for her daughter all day long. To find out the location, she even contacted the gangsters on the street.

Lynn Walker looked on coldly. According to Jo Walker's character, she would suffer a lot from John Longman.

After solving the problem of Jo Walker, Lynn Walker was thinking about Beck William.

She reappeared at Beck William's residence but didn't see him.

Lynn Walker frowned. Did he leave to avoid her?

This idea lasted for a few seconds, but Lynn Walker denied it in her heart.

He was penniless now, and this was his only refuge. If he left here, he had to live under the pedestrian bridge.

According to his character, he wouldn't allow anyone to watch him.

It was time for a meal. Lynn Walker found a parterre and sat down to wait for him.

In less than half an hour, a tall man wearing a peaked cap appeared in front of her.

He was not surprised to see Lynn Walker.