Chapter 185 Family Scandal Cannot Be Publicized

"Find an excuse and tell her that you can't get so much money in a short time. Ask her to wait for you at home." Lynn Walker didn't explain but told out her decision.

She was afraid that if she told her later, she would transfer the money directly.

John Longman's wife looked at the woman and asked in confusion, "Why?"

"Do as I said. I'll tell you the reason after we leave."

Lynn Walker was a little impatient. If she hadn't been a housewife at home and didn't know the situation at all, she wouldn't have done such a thing herself.

Noticing that Lynn Walker was a little angry, John Longman's wife agreed at once.

After hanging up the phone, he repeated what she said to the woman.

"What? You can't afford it?" The woman raised her voice involuntarily, which attracted the attention of the next table. Then she lowered her voice, "Since you don't have the money ready, why do you ask me to come here?"