Chapter 186 Assassination

"You are a senior of the Brown family, and the guests are at home. How dare you be so rash!" Seeing that butler was uneasy, Mrs. Brown said, "if you feel uncomfortable, you can go back to have a rest and come back when you get better."

The butler thought that Mrs. Brown was going to drive him away, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "Madam, I'm really fine. I'll correct myself in the future."

While they were talking, the butler found an excuse to leave in a hurry when seeing Elma White come in.

When he passed by Elma White, he stopped for two seconds. Mrs. Brown behind her warmly greeted her to have a seat.

The butler shook his head and walked to the yard.


Lynn Walker was repairing the black hole on the website of the company. When she heard the knock on the door, she asked subconsciously, "Who is it?"

There was no answer outside. She stood up and closed the website. When she walked to the door, the knock stopped.

Lynn Walker frowned, "I don't need extra service."