Chapter 202 Turn into a Waste

The man's agent quickly helped him up and muttered, "Are you okay? Is there any injury?"

Seeing the agent, Beck William was even more depressed. When he made money for him, he always held him in his arms. When he was worthless, he was like garbage that could be abandoned at any time.

The man waved his hand impatiently, "I'm fine."

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lynn Walker. "Let's have a competition on the stage!"

That was exactly what Lynn Walker wanted. She didn't do it easily, and even when she was insulted, she just smiled. But this time, because of Beck William, she had to do it no matter what.

She had seen that a high-spirited model became a homeless man. Their scheme had almost ruined this person!

"That's enough," said Beck William holding Lynn Walker's arm with hesitation.

It was not worth taking risks for him. As far as he knew, this model exercised all year round and his strength was more powerful than that of ordinary people.