Chapter 203 Be Jealous

But it was too late for him to beg. Lynn Walker stepped on his ankle, and the piercing pain rushed over.

The man was lying on the stage like a motionless corpse.

Lynn Walker took out a handkerchief, wiped her hands and threw it on the ground.

At this moment, the agent outside the field was in a panic. He rushed to the stage and asked, "How are you? Are you all right? Where did you hurt?"

"I, I can't stand up!" The man lay on the ground in pain. He tried several times but failed to stand up.

The agent was so anxious that he stopped Lynn Walker who was about to leave. "What did you do to him?"

"Life and death are decreed by fate on the stage. It's a deal from the very beginning," Lynn Walker said coldly, bypassing the agent and getting off the stage.

He wanted to stop Lynn Walker, but he couldn't take back what they had said in front of so many people.