Chapter 215 Ransom

"Sorry, you can't go in without an appointment." The receptionist of the Walker Group politely bowed to the well-dressed woman opposite.

Sally Watson put her bag on the front desk and said, "I asked you to lend me a call. Don't hesitate!"

Facing Sally Watson's imposing manner, the receptionist was still not angry. "There is a rule in the company that you can't call the president casually."

"What's the rule? Give me your phone. I won't let him blame you." Sally Watson stamped her feet in anxiety.

She didn't run over until she couldn't get through to Bernie Walker. However, she was stopped by the receptionist. She wanted to contact Bernie Walker through the phone but was refused again.

But her son couldn't wait!

Lynn Walker walked into the door and saw this scene. Her eyes were filled with coldness.

"What happened?" She walked over and asked.