Chapter 216 The Consequence of Scheme Against Me

"Did he say how to deal with it?" Bernie Walker forced him to calm down.

Ten million was not a small amount of money. If he paid money to redeem, he had to ask many people to withdraw the money.

Sally Watson shook her head. "He didn't say anything but asked me to prepare the money. He just said that he would contact me later."

"Then let's wait for him to contact." Bernie Walker hit the table with his fist.

At this critical moment, if someone knew that he had such a bastard, it would impact the company, and Elma White would question him.

Elma White had arranged many relatives and friends in the Walker Group. Although he didn't want them to participate in the company's decision in the past few years, it was not good for him to fight against them head-on.

The deafening sound of fists made Sally Watson tremble. She didn't dare to force Bernie Walker, so she could only be anxious in her heart.