Chapter 220 The Invoice Payer

They arrived at the hospital soon.

"I will send you here. I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

After hanging up the P gear, Lynn Walker looked back at the assistant who was staring blankly and Beck William, who was sitting by the door and seemed to be about to wear it out.

"William, why are you sitting so far away?"

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but feel funny. Her eyebrows curved and her bright eyes twinkled with some crystals.

Beck William, who had always been reserved, didn't know what to do when she asked this question. He hesitated and said, "Ah, nothing. Then we won't disturb you."

"Okay," Lynn Walker nodded slightly. "I won't go off."

After getting off the car, Beck William's assistant, who was in the innermost room, slowly moved over and carefully got off the car.

He stood there like a stunned man, which made Lynn Walker remind him helplessly, "William, help her."