Chapter 221 The End of Marriage

"Take him back to the Walker family."

Jimmy White said coldly, ruthless and resolute.

Several bodyguards in black suits knocked Bernie Walker down to the ground.

Lynn Walker was stunned for a moment, but soon her expression management recovered as usual, with a sneer in her eyes.

"Why are you still standing there? Do you want to go back with me?" Jimmy White stopped when he passed her.

Looking at Jimmy White weirdly, Lynn Walker suppressed her suspicion and nodded.

"I drove here."

After saying that, Jimmy White didn't say anything more and walked out first.

Now everyone in the company knew that Bernie Walker had a mistress.

"Did you see that? Even Mrs. Walker's brother couldn't stand it anymore!"

"Yes, you are right. Mr. Walker fools around outside while he has a family. His life is more wonderful than ours!"

"Damn it! The company is going to close down. Have you thought about where to go in the future?"