Chapter 243 The Internal and External strife

"It's none of your business." Lynn Walker casually sat down on the leather seat.

Beck William had already been used to Lynn Walker's attitude towards him, so he didn't care. Then he began to talk about business.

"I got these from several shareholders. If you agree, I can ask them to sign the share transfer agreement." Beck William handed a document to Lynn Walker.

Lynn Walker opened it and took a casual glance at the conditions mentioned in it. None of them was harsh to her.

"No problem. Let's do it."

"There are still two people asking me about your identity. They insist that they won't sign it until you meet them." Beck William didn't dare to decide until asked for Lynn Walker's opinion.

"Which two?"

"George White and Daniel White."

Hearing these two names, Lynn Walker quickly realized that they were Elma White's family members, but they were not very close.

"You can promise them first. As for the meeting time, we'll talk about it later." Lynn Walker made a quick decision.