Chapter 244 A Great Surprise

As soon as she returned to the living room downstairs, inspectors broke in.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Longman panicked.

"We are from the inspection institute. After evaluating your assets, we have concluded that your company assets are not enough to pledge the debts of the bank, so we have to freeze your private property now."

Hearing this, Mrs. Longman couldn't accept the truth and staggered back two steps.

"Well? Is my house going to be sealed up?" Mrs. Longman couldn't believe that she would end up like this.

"Yes, this house is also under sealing down, so you must move out in two days." The man answered seriously.

"Except for some personal belongings, you can't take anything out of the house."

After knowing the result, Mrs. Longman couldn't hold on any longer and fainted in front of them.

Now that the matter had come to such a result, Mrs. Longman had no choice but to deal with it according to legal procedures.

When Mrs. Longman woke up, she heard the noise outside.