Chapter 298 Peeking

"You don't look good. I'm a little worried about you." Benson Brown said to Lynn Walker with a frown.

"It's just a dream. Don't worry too much. Go to bed early." Lynn Walker didn't want to bother Benson Brown because of this.

"Okay." Benson Brown held Lynn Walker and lay down again.

Lying in Benson Brown's arms, Lynn Walker smelled a faint fragrance, which made her feel at ease. Then she slowly fell asleep.

Hearing Lynn Walker's steady breathing, Benson Brown was relieved and closed his eyes.

It rained all night outside the window. It was wet everywhere, and there was a smell of soil in the air.

When Lynn Walker woke up, Benson Brown was still sleeping.

Seeing Benson Brown lying beside her quietly, Lynn Walker didn't wake him up. Instead, she just lay quietly aside and observed his face.

Every time Lynn Walker saw Benson Brown's face, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion that God favored her. How could he give him such a beautiful face?