Chapter 299 A Vacation on an Island

Realizing this, Benson Brown let go of Lynn Walker and left the villa in a hurry.

The news that Jo Walker had woken up spread quickly. Many reporters surrounded the hospital gate, wanting to go in an interview.

Seeing the reporters downstairs, Jo Walker became particularly anxious.

"Jo, what are you doing? You just recovered a little. You should have more rest." Elma White reminded her.

"Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Jo Walker said helplessly.

"Jo, you'd better not hang out with your friends in the future. You are lucky this time. If anything happens to you, how can I accept it?" Elma White tried her best to persuade her.

"Mom, can you shut up? I have said this many times. How many times do you want to persuade me?" Jo Walker snapped at Elma White.

Elma White knew that Jo Walker was in a bad mood, so she didn't want to argue with her.