Chapter 308 A Heart Melts Gradually

Benson Brown had grown up with Mrs. Brown. She knew her son's taste very well. There were probably not many delicious foods that could satisfy him.

Mrs. Brown felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her son cared about another woman so much.

"If you enter our Brown family, at least you are a young mistress. How could we let you cook?" Mrs. Brown lowered her head to eat, unable to see the emotion in her eyes.

"I'm fine, auntie. If you like it, I can cook for you every day. It's good luck for me that you like my cooking." Lynn Walker said with a sweet tongue.

Hearing Lynn Walker's words, Mrs. Brown felt better. A faint smile appeared on her face.

After dinner, Mrs. Brown sat in the living room to have a rest.

There were only two people left in the living room, Lynn Walker and Mrs. Brown because Benson Brown's company had something urgent to deal with.