Chapter 309 Care from Mrs. Brown

The second morning, when Benson Brown got up from the bed, Lynn Walker was already gone.

Benson Brown changed his clothes and was about to go to the morning exercise when he happened to meet Lynn Walker coming up from downstairs.

"Why do you get up so early today? Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Benson Brown looked at Lynn Walker and asked.

"I heard that auntie had a slight cough yesterday, so I made her some pear and loquat soup. When she gets up, she can drink it." Lynn Walker explained.

"Well, that's very kind of you." Benson Brown held Lynn Walker's hand and squeezed it.

"Nothing. Are you going to do morning exercises? How about I go with you?" It had been a long time since Lynn Walker went out to relax.

"You want to go?" Benson Brown asked again. After all, he had invited Lynn Walker many times, but she refused.

"Okay, wait for me here for two minutes. I'm going to change my clothes." Then Lynn Walker quickened her pace into the room.