Chapter 311 An Inhumane Man

Benson Brown couldn't help but feel surprised. How could there be such a scumbag in the world?

"Yes, we were also surprised to know that. That Jason White is indeed very despicable. He even treated a woman so violently, let alone her wife." The assistant couldn't help expressing his thoughts.

Benson Brown's eyes flashed with coldness.

"In that case, you also send someone to look for that scumbag and then hand him over to me," Benson Brown ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"By the way, where is Lynn? Is she still in the hospital?" Benson Brown knew that Lynn Walker was affectionate and righteous. He was afraid that she would feel bad this time.

"Yes, Miss Walker is guarding Lucy Walker in the hospital."

"Well, send someone to bring them some food." Benson Brown guessed that Lynn Walker would forget to eat when she was busy.

"Yes, I will arrange it right away."

It was late at night. There was dead silence in the hospital.