Chapter 312 Merciless

"Okay, I know." Lynn Walker's eyes were cold. She raised her leg and was about to go in.

The assistant called her from behind.

"Miss Walker, your identity is not suitable to be exposed for the time being. How about covering it?" While saying, the assistant had already taken out a mask.

Lynn Walker immediately realized that it must be Benson Brown's idea. After all, things hadn't been fully uncovered yet, so her identity couldn't be exposed so soon.

At thought of this, Lynn Walker took the mask from the assistant and walked in quickly.

When Lynn Walker entered the room, only a dim light turned on. Jason White was now tied to a pillar by the wall, and his whole body was dirty. He must have been taught a lesson by them just now.

Jason White's face was covered by a cloth bag, so he couldn't see what was happening.

But when he heard the noise around him, Jason White began to struggle, trying to make them let go of him.