Chapter 357 She Did It

"Yes, I want to go there and see what's going on." Lynn Walker nodded.

"How about I go with you? I'm worried about you if you go there alone."

Mrs. Brown knew the Walker family's nature. Lynn Walker would suffer losses if she went there alone.

Mrs. Brown had known that Lynn Walker hadn't lived a happy life with the Walker family, especially in such an exceptional case, she would be taken as a punching bag.

When they were in the mall, Mrs. Brown had witnessed how Elma White and Lynn Walker bullied her, so she didn't want to let her take a risk.

Lynn Walker didn't expect that Mrs. Brown would bring it up. She was moved and stunned for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Brown looked at Lynn Walker in confusion.

"It's okay, aunt. You don't have to go with me. The Walker family is in a mess now. I'll be fine. Besides, I don't know what's going on there. I'm glad that you can understand me."

With these words, Lynn Walker almost wanted to hold Mrs. Brown in her arms.