Chapter 358 The Final Ending

"You bitch. You have done so many things. You are so vicious." Jo Walker accused Lynn Walker.

"Compared with what you and your mother have done, this is nothing at all. The word" vicious "is not so suitable for me."

After these words, Lynn Walker turned around and left.

"You are not allowed to leave. Make it clear to me. Why did you do that?" Jo Walker still held Lynn Walker's hand.

"Why are you still asking me? I've already told you. I want you and your mother to taste the pain. It's time to pay back what you have done. You can do so many bad things, but I'm not worse than you. By the way, let me tell you, Sarah Candy is my woman."

Jo Walker couldn't believe what she had heard.

Did Lynn Walker plan all these things from the beginning?

"What did you say? How could you do that?"