Chapter 359 Losing the Last Rescue

When the three people passed by each other, Alan Walker and Jane Reid looked up at Lynn Walker and felt that she looked familiar. They seemed to have seen each other somewhere before.

Lynn Walker just gave them an indifferent look and then strode away.

"Do you think that girl looks familiar? Have you met her somewhere?" Jane Reid asked Alan Walker.

Alan Walker searched around in his mind but couldn't find any memory of Lynn Walker. Then he shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. Maybe we made a mistake."

"Okay, let's go." Jane Reid took a look at the direction in which Lynn Walker left and then left with Alan Walker.

Jane Reid wouldn't have come back if there hadn't been so many things happening here. After all, it was a place that made her stay too sad.

Jane Reid couldn't forget what had happened in the past. After all, she had lost her only daughter in that accident, and she always felt a little resentful.