Chapter 382 Slap in the Face

Susan Sean insisted that she should drive that woman away in the most extreme way since she was still too soft-hearted.

"Miss Sean, this is Mr. Brown's company, not your family. If you want to lose your temper here, it's not appropriate. I hope you can keep your dignity."

Although the assistant didn't blame Susan Sean for what she had done, he was driving her away.

How could Susan Sean not understand the meaning of the assistant's words? She turned her head and looked at him coldly.

"You are just an assistant of Brown Benson. You are just like a dog. How dare you teach me a lesson here?"

Of course, Susan Sean didn't want to be humiliated.

Of course, the assistant wouldn't get angry because of what she said.

"Even if I'm a dog of Mr. Brown, you rely on me to let you in now. You'd better make it clear that Mr. Brown won't see you. If you don't leave, I have to ask the security to invite you out." The assistant said coldly.

"You..." Susan Sean was too angry to say a word.