Chapter 383 A Grand Family Feast

It was the first time that Lynn Walker had taken part in such an occasion. Although it was just a family dinner, there were a lot of guests, and it sounded lively inside.

At this time, it was already dark outside. The surroundings were all colorful lights, and a band was playing beside the fountain.

"Young master, madam, this way, please." The old butler came to greet them in person.

"Lynn, come down."

Brown Benson reached out his hand to the car, and a slender figure walked out.

When Lynn Walker's beautiful face appeared in front of everyone, all the guests were shocked. They didn't expect that Benson Brown would bring a woman to such an occasion.

It was well known that Benson Brown didn't get close to women, but it was strange that she suddenly brought a woman back. Presumably, there must be something to do with it. It seemed that Benson Brown and Lynn Walker were also very close, so they must have a special relationship.