Chapter 415 Offend the Wrong Person

All these things had been written in the document, and Lynn Walker didn't slander them at all.

"What's the matter? What are you going to do with my grandfather this time? Pay money or things?" Lynn Walker glanced at them coldly.

Hearing Lynn Walker's words, the onlookers around began to point fingers at the family. After all, this matter was not a secret, and it was just difficult to say it out of embarrassment.

"My father was already injured. Why do you have to be so unreasonable? You just don't want to pay for it, right? You are playing rascal. Bully us, don't you?"

This family must have been familiar with this situation. As soon as the woman finished her words, the old man began to lean on the ground and groaned.

Master Brown was not convinced to be bullied by these people. When he was about to reason with them, he was stopped by Lynn Walker.

"In that case, how much do you want?"