Chapter 416 Lynn Walker Is Good at Haggling over the Price

"Miss Walker, it's our fault. We offended you and that old man. We don't know your identity. Please let us go. Our family depends on this shop. If we are driven out, we will have no way out."

Lynn Walker didn't want to sympathize with such a person.

"You handle it." Then Lynn Walker turned around and left.

"Yes, Miss Walker. Don't worry. I will handle it well for you. I won't delay it. Is grandpa okay? I will go to the village for dinner tonight. You have to introduce me to my brother-in-law."

Before that, the man had heard that Lynn Walker's fiance was a very capable man. If he could get to know him, he would get some benefit.

"Well, you can go to have dinner early after you finish your work. From now on, you'd better wipe your eyes and don't put anyone inside. If this happens again, you don't have to work here." Lynn Walker's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Miss Walker. I'll be careful next time. I won't let it happen again." The man replied.

"Well, I'm leaving now."