Chapter 438 Special Treatment for Goading Others Into Action

The dinner was also very rich. Lynn Walker was in a good mood, but the moment she saw Susan Sean, all her good mood was ruined.

"It's you?" When Susan Sean saw Lynn Walker, she was also surprised.

"Hey, isn't this Miss. Sean? Why are you here for dinner?"

Of course, Susan Sean was not the kind of person who could not control herself. She quickly controlled her emotions.

"Yes, this restaurant is really good. Benson and I have been here before. Why are you alone today? Hasn't Benson come to have dinner with you?"

Hearing this, Lynn Walker couldn't help but complain in her heart. This woman was so disgusting. They had broken up for such a long time, but she still mentioned their previous relationship.

Lynn Walker was not the kind of brainless girl who would be cheated so easily. She would only take this move of Susan Sean as a deliberate provocation.