Chapter 439 She Has Nothing to Do with Me

"If she comes to bother you again, I can state to clarify the situation."

Lynn Walker was shocked by Benson Brown's words. She didn't expect him to be so straightforward.

"Susan Sean, you should know what happened between us. Do you want me to expose what you have done to the public? Do you think I can't do such a thing?"

Benson Brown's voice was low, but it sounded creepy. Susan Sean couldn't help trembling. Her face was tense, and her fists were tightly clenched.

"I didn't do anything. I don't know what you are talking about."

"Really? Do you need me to send someone to find some evidence to prove your innocence now?"

"Benson Brown, don't go too far."

"Really? The one who goes too far should be your family. I met your father not long ago, and he told me something, but I refused."

Hearing this, Susan was even more shocked. The Sean family had encountered something, but she didn't expect that her father would go to find Benson Brown.
