Chapter 469 Start with Friends

After a while, people came out one after another. It was about time.

When the phone rang, Vera Clarke was discussing the case with her subordinates. As soon as she saw it was a call from Edson Walker, she immediately answered it.

"Hello, Miss Clarke. It's me, Edson Walker." Edson Walker wasn't sure whether he had saved his phone number, so he mentioned his name before.

"Yes, I know. Are you here?" Of course, Vera Clarke didn't forget that the two of them had agreed to meet yesterday.

"My car is parked downstairs. You can get off now if it's convenient for you." Edson Walker replied.

"Okay, I'll go downstairs now."

Vera Clarke quickly packed up the documents on the table, stuffed them all into her bag, put on a coat, and walked out of the office.

As soon as she went out, Vera Clarke noticed the black Bentley under the tree not far away.

"I'm sorry. I have something to deal with today, so I came out a little late." Vera Clarke answered apologetically.