Chapter 470 You Have to Eat Light Food When You Are Sick

Every time Vera Clarke and Lynn Walker came here, they would always order a large table of meat. In the end, they could even scramble for a piece of roast meat.

Hearing this, Edson Walker couldn't help laughing.

"We are friends. You don't have to call me Mr. Walker. You can call me Edson." As Edson Walker said, he put two pieces of meat on Vera Clarke's plate.

Hearing this, Vera Clarke also smiled.

"Well, it happens that I'm not used to being called Miss Clarke. It's strange. You can call me Vera." At this moment, Vera Clarke also showed her easy-going character.


"Vera, I'm very curious. Generally, girls don't want to be police. How could you take this path?" Edson Walker began to change the topic.

Edson Walker admired Vera Clarke a little. After all, she was still so young. It was not easy for her to reach this position through her efforts.

Vera Clarke thought for a long time and finally answered.