Chapter 471 The Woman Behind Him

"Lynn, I know that you have suffered a lot because of the Sean family, but don't worry. We all accept you as our daughter-in-law. Although the Sean family is indeed related to the Brown family, it has been a long time ago. You don't have to feel stressed in your generation." Mrs. Brown brought up the Sean family.

Lynn Walker didn't have any feelings for the Sean family, nor did she let them take it seriously. If it weren't for this Susan Sean, she probably wouldn't have known their existence.

"Okay, I know. Don't worry. I'm fine." Lynn Walker replied with a smile.

"How's your cold? Has your fever gone?" Benson Brown's voice came from behind.

Hearing the noise from behind, Lynn Walker turned her head. She found that Benson Brown was walking toward them. He seemed to be worn out and must have been very tired today.

"Why do you come back so late today?"