Chapter 498 A Family Treasure

"Why don't you take any responsibility? It's because of your attitude that I'm still working hard in the company at my age. Others at my age have retired and gone fishing."

Lynn Walker hurried to make up for it.

"Who said that? You should be strong. Just now, Uncle Edward told me that you have run more than ten kilometers alone today. No one is still in good health at your age."

"Don't flatter me. It's only ten kilometers." Master Brown added unhappily.

"Yes, it means that you are still in good health."

"You always flatter me. I know you are fooling me. If you do this again, I will send you abroad. Out of sight, out of mind."

"Grandpa, you don't have to threaten me with this. I will go far away in a few days. I'm afraid I can't come back to see you for a while." Lynn Walker replied.

"What? What are you going to do?"

Lynn Walker put down the tableware and wiped her mouth with a napkin.