Chapter 499 An Unscrupulous Woman

When the assistant came in, he saw a faint smile on Benson Brown's face.

Noticing that his assistant had come in, Benson Brown immediately concealed his smile and regained his usual composure.

"Mr. Brown, it's so late. Why don't you go to bed?" The assistant wanted to check if there was anything wrong, but he found that the light in Benson Brown's room was still on.

"Okay, take a seat." Benson Brown pointed to the chair in front of him.

The assistant nodded and sat down in front of Benson Brown.

"Mr. Brown, are you missing Miss Walker?"

"How did you know that?" Benson Brown glanced at his assistant.

"You are usually very serious, but when you face Miss Walker, your eyes become particularly gentle." Perhaps everyone could see that.

"Am I usually very serious?" Benson Brown also caught the message.

Hearing Benson Brown's question, the assistant realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he corrected it in a hurry.