Chapter 510 Things Have Changed

"Don't worry. If you can help us get through this, we can continue our cooperation, even better than before."

Lynn Walker nodded with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to our next cooperation. As long as you carry out my plan, I believe we can get through the difficulties." Lynn Walker was quite confident in this matter.

"Well, wish us a pleasant cooperation."

"Well, it's getting late. You should go back as soon as possible. But you'd better go this way. Don't show up with Mrs. David, or it will easily arouse others' suspicion."

Anyway, it was easy to attract people's attention on the dock. They'd better be careful.

Although Edward had been living a carefree life, he had gone through the training that ordinary successors should go through, so he had a sense of defensiveness.

"I know. You'd better be careful. If those people find me, they will soon find out about your existence and will not let you go."

"Thank you for reminding me. You should go back now."