Chapter 511 Don't Act Without Authorization

"It's okay. How about you? Did anything happen to you?"

"I'm fine."

"Well, I know you can handle the situation there. Then Francis Leo should be fine, right? After this incident, I hope he can be more careful in the future,"

Hearing Francis Leo, Benson Brown didn't have so much patience in his tone.

"He's fine now. But according to his character, it's not easy to change his mind this time. That's good." Benson Brown sighed.

"That's good. But my people told me that Molly Chris also appeared on your side. How could it be so coincident? Does it have anything to do with her?"

Lynn Walker had always had her connections, and she had always been watched by someone.

"Yes, she did it. Fortunately, it has been solved."

"Did you see her?" Of course, Lynn Walker didn't miss this detail.

No matter what, Molly Chris was her rival in love. If Benson Brown met her today, she must be cautious.

"Well, I asked her to clarify the suspicion on Francis." Benson Brown replied calmly.