Chapter 512 Safely Return

"It's not impossible to solve it. It's just a little more effort. Since these people split up for interests, as long as there is track, we will solve it. When we go back later, you tell everyone that I have thought of a solution, and they don't need to worry."

In this case, Lynn Walker chose to comfort her people first, so that they wouldn't panic and couldn't do anything.

"Yes, Miss Walker."

Just then, a sound came from the distance, and a yacht rushed toward them.

"Be careful, Miss Walker." The bodyguard had pulled out his gun and stood in front of Lynn Walker to protect her.

"Don't act rashly. Let's see what's going on first." Lynn Walker's face was still calm, and she looked indifferently at the yacht coming towards her.

Soon, the man had caught up with them.

At this time, a man in black walked out of the ship, smiled at Lynn Walker, and bowed to her.