Chapter 513 An Ungrateful Woman

When Beck William went downstairs, he noticed that Lynn Walker hadn't shown up yet.

"Where is Miss Walker? Hasn't she gotten up yet?" Beck William asked a servant passing by.

"She has up. She is in the gym."

"Well, you can go to prepare breakfast first. The breakfast must be abundant." Beck William said as he walked towards the gym.

When Beck William entered the room, he saw two tall men in black standing in front of Lynn Walker. Undoubtedly, they were her well-trained bodyguards. At this moment, they were confronting each other.

Beck William could tell that Lynn Walker was in a bad mood from her quick and agile movements.

Did Benson Brown piss her off?

Beck William kept guessing in his mind, but he couldn't get the exact answer.

At this moment, he could only guess in his heart, but he could not do anything for her. The distance between the two people was getting farther and farther.

Thinking of this, Beck William felt bitter in his heart.