Chapter 514 A Dangerous Meeting

The man was wearing a white shirt, and the gold-rimmed glasses on his face also added a gentle fragrance to him.

It was not hard to see that the woman next to him was full of admiration. She must like this man very much.

The man's attention was completely on the gun in his hand, and he had never stopped on the woman's face.

"Mr. Henderson, I've got the news from Molly Chris. She is still in the hospital, but the Leo family is making trouble for her. I hope you can give her a suggestion."

The man was unmoved by Shirley Lowell's words as if he hadn't heard it at all.

After a while, the cold voice of Ned Henderson came to his ears.

"A good chess game was destroyed by him. It seems that he is a useless chess piece."

Hearing this, Shirley Lowell was stunned.

Did he mean to give up on Molly Chris?

"Mr. Henderson, Molly Chris is still useful. We had a hard time persuading her to help us. Anyway, we don't have anyone else to use now. How about we give her more time?"