Chapter 515 Irritated Him Severely

"Miss Walker, how have you been? Please have a seat." Ned Henderson gave a hint to the seat in front of him.

"Mr. Henderson is more mysterious than I thought." Lynn Walker wore a relaxed smile on her face, but she kept the highest vigilance in her heart.

"I thought Miss Walker would refuse to meet me because you were worried about your safety. I didn't expect you to appear alone. It's admirable."

It had to be said that Lynn Walker was much sharper than Ned Henderson had imagined.

"Mr. Henderson, you flatter me. I just want to be at ease since I have come. And I believe that you won't make things difficult for me." Even if Ned Henderson dares to hurt Lynn Walker in such a place, she has no choice but to accept fate.

"It seems that Miss Walker is a very sober person. It's my honor to invite you to dinner."