Chapter 521 Everything Is Under Control

When Lynn Walker arrived at the appointed place, Edward was already waiting for her inside. The people who disguised as guests at the door should be his subordinates.

"Miss Walker, please come in. Young master is waiting for you inside."

Lynn Walker walked in and saw Edward sitting there. It was her favorite barbecue on the table.

Seeing this, Lynn Walker felt satisfied, but she didn't show it.

"Miss Walker, please have a seat." Edward also stood up politely to welcome Lynn Walker.

After Lynn Walker sat down, the other people in the room also left, leaving only two people, Edward and her.

"This is the beef I specially asked someone to bring from abroad. It should be very delicious if it is roasted later." Edward introduced to Lynn Walker.

"Thank you. I like barbecue very much. But I remember that your father doesn't like it very much. Can you get used to it?" Lynn Walker suddenly asked.