Chapter 522 Poor Awareness

Benson Brown also noticed that Thomson was looking around, so he reminded him.

"Mr. Thomson, you don't have to be so anxious. Since I have decided to call you here, I won't do anything to you. I can promise you that I won't let you suffer losses on this matter."

Thomson smiled.

"Mr. Brown, you must be joking. Of course, I trust you. Since I'm going to cooperate with you, I don't worry too much." Thomson replied with a smile.

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Thomson. Wish us pleasant cooperation." Benson Brown also raised his glass.

"Okay, wish us pleasant cooperation."

Benson Brown and Thomson didn't finish their dinner until very late.

After seeing Thomson off, Benson Brown took a look at the watch and found that Lynn Walker hadn't come back yet, so he was about to call her.

At this time, the assistant suddenly came in from outside.

"Mr. Brown, Miss Walker is back."

"Well, have they made a deal?" Benson Brown asked softly.