Chapter 532 A Cold Man

"I'm sorry, Mr. Henderson. I've sent someone to look into it. Can you give me some more time?"

"Haven't I told you that don't underestimate Benson Brown and Lynn Walker's strength? Do you take my words as whispers in your ears? If you were not too careless, their actions wouldn't have been so smooth. I told you to deal with Thomson as soon as possible, but you didn't do as I said, and now you are still in my way."

Ned Henderson looked terrible, which scared Shirley Lowell.

"Mr. Henderson, I hope that he will help us control other forces. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Benson Brown is too cunning, so we..."

Before she could finish her words, Ned Henderson slapped her face again.

For a moment, Shirley Lowell's beautiful face began to be red and swollen, and the slap marks became more and more obvious.

"These are just your excuses, loser." At this moment, Ned Henderson was very angry.