Chapter 533 He Woke Up

Several bodyguards heard the noise at the door and came in.

"Great! Mr. William, you finally wake up. We are all worried about you."

Seeing so many people standing at the door, Beck William was also a little confused. It took him a while to recall what had happened before.

"Why are you all here?"

"It's good that you wake up. Come on, drink some water. Ask someone to get some water to wipe Beck's body, so that he will feel better."

"Yes, Miss Walker."

When they saw that Beck William had woken up, the rest of them also had smiles on their faces.

After taking the water from Lynn Walker, Beck William looked up at her and found that she looked very haggard. She must haven't had a good rest these days.

"Do you want more water?" Lynn Walker noticed his expression.

Beck William shook his head.

"Have I been in a coma for days? What's the date now?" Beck William only remembered that he had slept for a long time.