Chapter 534 A Long Conversation

"Thank you for helping me, but I don't want you to do such a thing again. It's too dangerous. I'd rather spend more time on it than see you get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt because of it. Do you understand, Beck?"

For Lynn Walker, Beck William was very important. She would rather lose everything here than lose her friend.

Beck William was touched by Lynn Walker's words.

After a while, Beck William finally came to his senses.

"Well, I see. Next time, such a thing will happen no more."

"That's good. To deal with your business, I have handed over the mess in K city to Benson. I'm afraid he is under great pressure now. And we can't guarantee what will happen later. I always feel that something will happen again."

Lynn Walker had a bad feeling that something big would happen in the future.

"Anyway, you have to be careful recently and take more people with you." Beck William also agreed with Lynn Walker. It seemed that things were not that simple this time.