Chapter 577 You Beast

Seeing that the phone screen gradually went out, Shirley Lowell's eyes turned cold.

How could Lynn Walker bring someone to save him? How did they know that Ned Henderson was arrested?

Unless Benson Brown and Lynn Walker had known their plan in advance, they would send someone to save Ned Henderson. But in that case, what happened just now?

Shirley Lowell widened her eyes in disbelief. How did they know her plan in advance?

If they had known it in advance, how could Benson Brown and Lynn Walker be in the car just now?

When Shirley Lowell realized this, there was a loud explosion around her.

Soon, the subordinates around began to shout.

"A sneak attack! A sneak attack!"

Looking at the noisy scene, she realized that they had been trapped by Benson Brown.

She had planned to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Benson Brown and Lynn Walker here. Now it seemed that they had already known their plan and made a plan to deal with her.