Chapter 578 You Are So Disappointing

"But what did you bring to me? All the tasks I gave you were destroyed, which made me lose dozens of benefits. Am I not kind to you? Sometimes I even doubt if there is something wrong with the training plan that makes me fail to do anything. It seems that you are not qualified to be a descendant of our Brown family when you hurt your nephew. Do you want to kill me and inherit the family property? "

Master Brown was so angry that his face turned livid with rage.

Seeing Master Brown's reaction, Robin Edward was a little worried.

Although Master Brown sometimes couldn't control his temper, he had never said such words. It seemed that he was really angry.

"Now I can tell you clearly that I won't give my company to you, or you will lose it sooner or later. You think I'm unfair to you, but what did you bring to me?"

Master Brown stood on the edge of exposure.

It wasn't that Master Brown hadn't thought about it, but he knew how sad it was when he faced it.