Prom night

Before going to college,Quan and CJ go to a flower shop. Quan takes some fresh tulips while CJ takes some roses. When they get to college, Cassandra sees Quan with flowers and she quickly goes to him.

" Ooh, you brought some flowers Quan. Are they for me" Cassandra reaches out her hand trying to collect them from Quan.

CJ however stops her halfway and disappoints her. He tells Cassandra that the flowers are for someone else so she should back off. Cassandra gets mad at CJ but controls her temper in front of Quan. The boys see Savannah and Aaliyah standing at a distance minding their own business and they go to them. Quan taps Aaliyah on the shoulder as she turns slowly and looks straight into his eyes as he smiles back.

" Am sorry if I offended you in anyway,here are some flowers to make up for it" Quan hands the tulips over to Aaliyah who takes them softly.

For CJ and Savannah however is a different thing,CJ refuses to admit that he was worried about the fact that Savvy didn't talk to him so he gives them to her under the pretense that Quan forced him to. Aaliyah takes is staring at the flowers when she sees Cassandra looking at her in angry way and she instantly remembers the deal they made. Aaliyah leaves Quan behind and rushes to Cassandra, " I think you should have the flowers" Aaliyah gives them to Cassandra and goes to class.

Seeing what Aaliyah has done, Savannah realizes what it was all about so she hands the roses back to CJ and runs after her friend. Quan and CJ are left speechless after what just happened. While seated in class during free time,Quan and CJ discuss Aaliyah and Savannah's behavior wondering why they've changed so much when Cassandra steps in to tell lies about them.

" I know why they are behaving like that. They have new rich friends who are showering them with gifts and money so they dumped you both" Cassandra walks away after lying.

Aaliyah goes to the computer room to take the book she forgot during classes while Savannah waits for her in the parking lot. Unknown to Aaliyah, Quan walks into the computer lab and closes the door behind him. Aaliyah turns to leave but she bumps into Quan, almost falling to the floor but Quan catches her and they stare at each other for at least two minutes before Aaliyah pushes him away and tries to leave but Quan stops her by catching her hand, " Where do you think you are going? I came here to talk to you so you can't leave just yet" He pulls her close.

Quan confronts Aaliyah about her behavior and Cassandra's claims and Aaliyah in order to make Quan stay away from her tells him that whatever Cassandra said about her is true so he should leave her alone. She also says some hurtful words to him and he feels very bad. Meanwhile in the college parking lot,CJ also confronts Savannah and manages to get part of the truth from her.

" The thing is... Cassy loves Quan and she fears he might fall for Aaliyah so she asked as to stay away from you guys" Savannah explains nervously, " She also said if we didn't stay away then she'll get us into trouble with the principal" She lies to protect her friend's identity.

Before CJ could ask another question, Aaliyah arrives so he stops. The girls get into the car and drive off. Quan comes out later and tells CJ they should leave now. When they get to Quan's family house,he tells CJ he doesn't want anything to do with Aaliyah in an angry manner as he explains everything she said to him. CJ sees that explaining anything to Quan would be useless because he's upset so he just leaves him alone for a while. CJ calls Savannah to ask for help, " Savannah... you and I know that Quan and Aaliyah love each other but they are afraid to express. Right now Quan is upset and he doesn't want to see or talk to Aaliyah,I need you to help bring them together"

Savannah then agrees to help CJ in his mission. For over a month, Quan and Aaliyah don't talk to each other or look in each other's direction. All of the plans that CJ and Savannah have made or come up with have failed for over a month. While passing through the hallway complaining about how they failed to unite Aaliyah and Quan,they see a poster, "College prom in two days, king and queen to be announced" Savannah reads out loud and tells CJ she has an idea.

While studying at the orphanage, Savannah tells Aaliyah about the college upcoming prom later asking her to attend it but she refuses.

" Well then... this means you haven't moved on from yours and Quan's friendship, you have to show him that you don't care about his attitude" Savannah persuades Aaliyah who agrees to this logic.

Savannah takes a brand new dress which she brought for Aaliyah to wear to prom. At Quan's house,CJ uses the same trick on Quan and it works. A day before prom,Quan asks Cassandra to be his date and she says yes with no hesitation. Savannah and CJ pay Aaliyah's date and tell him what to do the following night. It is prom night and Savannah goes to the orphanage to pick Aaliyah. They bid Madea goodbye, promising to come early as they drive off. Quan and Cassandra enter the ballroom and everyone stares at them with amazement. CJ and Savannah look at each and smile because they know Cassandra's ego will be crashed when Quan chooses Aaliyah over her. A minute later, Aaliyah and her date enter the ballroom and everyone else goes silent as they stare in amusement and admiration. She has a purple mermaid dress with colorless see through stilettos and a high ponytail. Quan gets lost in Aaliyah's beauty but Cassandra distracts him and tells him not to look at her and he tries to resist. The time to dance comes and as instructed, Aaliyah's date starts getting close to her and to make her feel uncomfortable. Quan notices that Aaliyah is getting uncomfortable and he starts to get angry. Aaliyah soon stops dancing and goes outside to get some fresh air but her date follows her and tries to force himself on her but Quan stops him and gives him a big blow to the face,

" How dare you try to force yourself on her against her will? I'll show you how to respect girls!" Quan starts slapping the boy continuously until Aaliyah intervenes and pushes Quan away, " Stop it Quan! Just what do you think you are doing and why are you hitting him? It's not like we're friends anyway so why do you care?!" Aaliyah reprimands Quan continuously and he also gets angry blurts out the truth, " I care because I love you!"

At this point, CJ and Savannah who are pipping behind some flowers give a sign to the boy who slowly moves back until he leaves the two together. Quan sets his ego aside and confesses his love to Aaliyah. Given the fact that she has fallen deeply in love with Quan over the past month, Aaliyah accepts his proposal without thinking about Cassandra's conditions. CJ and Savannah high-five each other when their plan succeeds. When she gets back home, Aaliyah is filled with joy and she shares the good news with Madea. Savannah who is equally excited congratulates her friend and decides to stay over for the night after getting permission from her father. During night time, Savannah chooses to sleep on the floor but Aaliyah won't allow so they both sleep on the floor. While chatting, Aaliyah thanks Savannah for the dress and the stilettos, " you are the best sister I've ever had. I started my day feeling down and sad wishing my mom was here but you made me feel better. Also, do you think Quan might find out about my true home?" Aaliyah poses a question for Savannah who tells her not to worry about a thing because their secret is safe.