I smell jealousy

The following day, Savannah goes to the orphanage to pick up Aaliyah after which they go to college together in her car. Given that Quan and Aaliyah are in different classes,a girl named Cassandra gets a crush on Quan. She starts being buggy not knowing Quan doesn't like her at all. " Quan?" Cassandra goes to where Quan is seated, " I need you to explain some of these notes because I didn't understand them" She lies to get Quan's attention.

He starts explaining to her and Cassandra tries to get close to him but before she could make him feel any more uncomfortable, CJ walks in and distracts her and so she leaves. During his free time, CJ decides to confront Cassandra. He tells her to stay away from Quan,

" Listen Cassandra,I know what you are trying to do... you are trying to get close to Quan but listen to me carefully,stay away from because he loves someone else" CJ instantly walks away after saying all this.

Hearing that Quan loves somebody else makes Cassandra feel intimidated so she enlists her two friends Nelly and Natalie's help in finding out the girl whom Quan likes. During the lunch hour, Savannah and Aaliyah go to the cafeteria and CJ and Quan join them. Cassandra notices how Quan is looking at Aaliyah the all time and she instantly gets to know that Aaliyah is the one Quan likes. Quan and CJ soon go to class after lunch. As Savannah and Aaliyah are going back to their classroom, Cassandra and her girls block their way,

" Excuse me,what's this?" Savannah asks the girls.

Cassandra asks the girls what their names her but Savannah refuses to tell. To avoid trouble, Aaliyah tells them the names. Cassandra then gets close to Aaliyah and asks her to stay away from Quan or face the consequences. Savannah gets angry so she has some exchange of words with all the three girls without fear. To avoid any drama, Aaliyah just grabs Savannah's hand and they go to class. After all the lessons are over,Quan and CJ bid Savannah and Aaliyah goodbye as they drive off. Aaliyah gets into Savannah's car and they drive off as well. Unknown to them, Cassandra and her girls stalk them all the way to the orphanage. Aaliyah gets out of car,waves at Savannah and goes into the orphanage yard. Savannah drives off and Cassandra steps out of her car,she goes towards the security man at the gate and asks of the lady who just walked in. " Her name is Aaliyah and she lives here,she is an orphan" The security man explains.

Cassandra thanks the man and tips him off as a way of thanking him. Cassandra is impressed by this and hopes to use it against Aaliyah in the future. The following day of college, during gym class, Quan tells Aaliyah that he and CJ would like to visit her house and meet her family. This comes as a shock to Aaliyah because she has no family and she doesn't want to face embarrassment because of where she comes from. Savannah almost says yes to Quan's idea but Aaliyah interrupts her and says no. She takes Savannah aside and tells her she doesn't want Quan to know that she comes from the orphanage. Savannah comes up with a way of stopping Quan and CJ from finding out about her real identity but she worries it might backfire later. Aaliyah chooses to go with the option either way. They get back to the boys and Savannah tells a lie to save her best friend,

" You can't go to her house...the thing is her parents,yes,they are very strict and don't want to see boys around their daughter especially her father so try to understand" Savannah explains.

Quan and CJ believe the lie and decide to wait for now. Cassandra overhears Savannah's lie and just smiles at it. After classes, Cassandra stops the girls and places a condition,

" Hold on ladies,where are you rushing to? You're Aaliyah, you refused to tell me your name the last time but I know it now. I heard the little lie that your little friend here told. What did she say? Your parents? I know for a fact that you come from an orphanage"

Aaliyah and Savannah are surprised and wonder how she got to knew about Aaliyah's truth. Aaliyah begs Cassandra not to tell the truth to Quan but to keep the secret, Cassandra asks Aaliyah to stay away from Quan in return. Savannah tries to object to this condition but Aaliyah stops her and agrees. On their way home, Savannah scolds Aaliyah for giving in to Cassandra's demand so easily, " what was I supposed to do then Savvy? Aaliyah asks her friend. "I like Quan a lot and I don't want him to hate me because I come from such a place. And that lie we told about me having parents made me emotional,I wish they were alive" Aaliyah imagines and sheds a tear which she wipes away quickly.

Savannah gets emotional too so she hugs Aaliyah to make them both feel better. For the next three days, Aaliyah tries her best to avoid Quan on Cassandra's demand. When she sees him coming at a distance,she changes the route and Quan notices this and wonders why Aaliyah has been avoiding him so he confronts Savannah about it hoping to get the truth. When he gets to Savannah,she tries to run away too but he corners her, " why are you running away? A few minutes ago, Aaliyah tried to do the same thing! What's going on and why this behavior?" Quan asks Savannah.

Savannah however says nothing. To make Quan go away and to keep Aaliyah safe from Cassandra's trouble, Savannah lies to Quan, " I'll tell you truth! And the truth is that Aaliyah and I don't want to be friends with you or CJ so leave us alone" She leaves Quan standing there while she walks away. Quan wonders why the girls would stop been friends with him or if he did anything wrong. He makes himself a promise and that's to make things right with the girls.