I trust you

Esmeralda gasped in fear when she heard the familiar unlocking sound of the door. Although Dylan had the key card, she had seen Aldo's men lurking around the building. They had kept her on the edge leaving her wondering when they would make a move and it seems they finally are.

She let out a shaky breath as she fastened her hold on a kitchen knife and peered outside the bedroom through the slot of a space between the wardrobe doors she hid behind. She picked up on foot steps coming in from the living room soon approaching the bedroom.


"That's Dylan!" She whispered in surprise.

Dylan had just set down his laptop on the glass coffee table before he made way for the bedroom. He was buffled by the fact that she had not come out to welcome him as usual but because of the situation downstairs, he understood her. Where could she be hiding?

"Oh! My gosh! Dylan!"