An excuse to meet his mother's friend

The next day, Zach woke up bright and early. He had kept his wife company as she worked and throughout dinner until he talked her into getting some sleep when it got late into the night. Although she had relaxed when he didn't question her warning, it didn't mean he had relaxed.

Yes, he trusted her, but she had just given him the biggest clue as to who was after her. His mind was spinning from thinking about the name she had given him. He needed to know who was after his wife, to understand the danger. 'Greco', he mused as he made his way to the training room.

His men were already waiting for him while they warmed up. The training room was a huge studio comprising of a boxing ring, an open space with a mat for , there was a section of the wall that had weapons for training, and a room for lockers and showers.