Almost every man's weakness is their woman

He had seen her in her bra but seeing them like this and in her most vulnerable state; what a sight! Could Nora be anymore perfect than this? She blushed under his watch and her chest rose and fell from breathing so hard.

He captured her lips again before he started trailing kisses along her neck, collarbone , going down until she felt his warm mouth latch onto her nipple.

"Ahh", she arched her back, curling her toes from the numbing sensation of him sucking her nipple. His other hand kept the other mound occupied, kneading it and pinching the nipple.

"George", she moaned, pulling him closer.

He switched to the other breast, giving it equal attention. Nora's sex throbbed from the pleasure and she pushed him towards her with her legs, wanting to feel something to ease the throbbing. George groaned, finding pleasure and getting turned on more by her actions. 

"George!" She moaned out in a cry as she thrust her hips forward, dry humping him. "George!"